Microsoft AKS updates 2022 - Features that are coming
During the Ignite 2022 event of Microsoft, the following updates are coming:
- Azure Hybrid Benefit for AKS and Azure Stack HCI;
- AKS on Windows IoT, Windows Server, Windowsdevices and Azure Stack HCI;
- AKS supports 5000 node cluster and more;
- AKS Fleet Manager - in Preview;
- Confidential VMs for AKS;
- Nodepool OS update Ubuntu 22.04;
- Premium SSD v2 via disk CSI Driver;
- AKS image cleaner - in Preview;
- AKS supports in December - Kubernetes 1.25;
- marinerOS nodepool image of Microsoft- Preview;
- Azure CNI powered by Cilium - in Preview;
- ASO database Connection provisioning from AKS - in Preview.
All new features are following eachother very quickly. You can keep track, by looking to their roadmap.